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Oh, scrap!

Thanks so much for all the thoughtful discussion and feedback from my last post.  I love that we can be supportive and diverse!  I’ve got a few ideas cooking as a result of our conversations, but not much that is fully formed enough to put into action.  I’ll let you know.  For now, let’s get back to our regularly scheduled blogging…

An interesting side-effect of my engaging in uncharacteristic behavior and making a quilt from a pattern was that I found myself with a huge pile of scraps.

pile o' scraps

Okay, maybe not HUGE, but if you consider that my scrap bin is this small cardboard box and it never fills up, this pile is enormous in comparison.

box of scraps

Do other improvisational quilters find that they don’t produce very many scraps? I think I usually just go into my stash, pull out some yardage, cut a bit from it, and fold the yardage back up and put it away.  I use what I cut and the tiny bits leftover just aren’t worth saving.

Anyway, I now understand why people love scrap projects.  These scraps are stressing me out! I want them gone!

Since most of them are half-square triangles and they are already color coordinated, I’ve decided to make a quilt from just these scraps.  I’m going to make more half-square triangles and then go from there!

half-square triangles

Here’s one idea I’ve had…

plan of attack

The plus in the middle will be the tricky part…I think it will involve a lot of partial seams to get the look I want.

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. I sort of have an opposite feeling. I feel fairly gluttonous when I see yardage, so I prefer bins of scraps. Also I have a hard time cutting into yardage. Both from the "What if I need a full yard" perspective & from the I use a small cutting board & it is just easier to use smaller pieces on it.

    Love that selection of fabrics, but I have really liked most of your quilts, so no surprises there.

    1. I love cutting into yardage. I guess because I improv most of the time, I'm never following a pattern where I "need a full yard" of something. I need whatever and I cut whatever and it's all fun!

  2. I'm with calico cat up there – i feel scared to cut into my (small stash) of yardage. Actually most of my stash would be considered "scraps" to most quilters… you know FQ's with a 2" strip cut from it… lol. 🙂

    I"m looking forward to seeing your quilt!

  3. I'm with you all the way. I issue is that I never.use my.scraps and now have a small'ish totter full of scraps & I have no idea what to do with them.

    1. Cut them into 2.5 inch squares & make a scrap vomit or just scrap squares quilt. I find the trimming to be quite therapeutic & the just grab 2 squares to be fun mindless sewing.

  4. Well, I clearly love scraps! I do have a lot of them, even though I mostly work improv. But if I don't use that whole bit I cut then into scraps it goes. Too much stash too, come to think of it!

  5. Love scrap quilts. I am in a Sunday Morning Quilts bee where we are all making blocks from scraps to help each other make quilts from the book. It is so much fun and helps to use some scraps up, Just want to say I subscribed to your blog by email after your previous post and the discussion that ensued. I found it quite stimulating and I loved many of the points made. Thanks!

  6. oooo, I love that layout of the hst's yum!!! I need to go back and read your other post again, but I am always amazed by you, and your intelligence and thoughtfulness.

  7. I do the same thing with improv projects, in keeping the majority of the fabric piece intact. I find more scraps result from making bags/pillows/etc. I think your HST plus idea sounds awesome!

  8. I neither have a large collection of scraps nor do i have a big stash. I worry that if i buy too much fabric that i will tire of it before it gts used. That being said, i just bought a bolt of kona white. A BOLT! It was scary to do, but i know it will egt used before i know it. I use it in almost all my quilts.
    Love the look of your sketch. I like anything with a big cross on it.
    Can wait to see what ideas have come out of your last post. I didn t comment because there was too much swirling inside my head. I had a hard time organizing my thoughts. Anyway i agreed with most if not all of what you said.

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